Tuesday 4 October 2022

Songs from Beneath the Spaghetti Tree Vol. 84


  1. Bitmap - The Lion That Melted in the Rain (2:46)
  2. Marie Modiano - Si la Si Ré (5:02)
  3. The Black Angels - A Walk on the Outside (3:05)
  4. Giuliano Sorgini - Clessidra (2:25)
  5. Half Man Half Biscuit - Footprints (4:41)
  6. The Murlocs - Growing Pains (2:29)
  7. Alain Goraguer - La Femme (2:08)
  8. Krokodil - Lady of Attraction (4:18)
  9. Ill Considered - Sandstorm (4:32)
10. Bifannah - Novíssima Guarda (3:15)
11. Stereolab - Spool of Collusion (2:11)
12. Amorphous Androdgynous - Hombre Malo (2:59)
13. Tall Dwarfs - The Winner (2:45)
14. Vox Populi! - Caballo Blanco (3:22)
15. Kolonel Djafaar - Lamentation (4:48)
16. Beautify Junkyards - Verde Pino (4:39)
17. O'o - Dorica Castra (3:54)
18. Space Art - Axus (3:20)
19. Julian Cope - Prodigal Sun (3:53)
20. Humphreys & Keen - The Free Life (2:37)
21. Pierre Arvay - Sky Way (2:42)
22. Kacy & Clayton - The Siren's Song (3:42)
23. Holy Magick - Stolen Car (3:18)

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